Showing posts with label boob tube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boob tube. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

good medicine: seinfeld in color

Yes! I want more!

weekly prescription

  • I have fond memories of watching 60 Minutes as a child with my parents. Maybe that's odd... I don't know. One segment I could always rely on enjoying was Andy Rooney's closing. Salty and big-browed, I was transfixed not so much by his image, but his insightful reflections on the everyday. He seemed simultaneously bothered by and beholden to the world around him. He's someone I wanted to know, but would be too afraid to talk to. I think his passing is a very unfortunate for us all. 
  • Another childhood love was Woody Allen. I'm creating a detailed map of my upbringing aren't I. Aside from his tabloid dramas and possible strange personal life his movies and books are some of my favorite things. I'm really looking forward to the PBS documentary about him.
  • Glee clubs... not so much. Glee clubs singing punk covers...  yes, please. A standout track is Dead Kennedys' "California". 
  • 52x52 is a wonderful project developed by artist Jessica Hische. The object is recruit folks to commit to donating $52 every week for 52 weeks to charity (a suggested charity, or one of your choice). The really great part is that you can also choose your own dollar amount if $52 is a bit too steep (which it probably is for quite a few/most people). Giving to others really couldn't be much easier. 
  • If E.A.S.T. Austin Studio Tour is something up your alley then you've probably already heard about it. So consider this a reminder, not a revelation. 

Read -- [ ]
Watch -- [ ]
Do -- [ ]
Austin Event -- [ ]

Thursday, October 27, 2011

good medicine: abandoned televisions

I know I'm heavily swayed by equal love for TV and photography, but I think even without that I'd be smitten by this series by Alex Beker. In his words:

Abandoned Televisions triggers emotions arising from our memories of popular TV culture. Street photography captures television sets left for dead because they are old, broken or soon to be replaced by more modern technology.
They are resuscitated by incorporating a visual moment from a show broadcast when that television set was alive.

Suddenly, a discarded black box dying on a sidewalk comes back to life, and so do we - to our past life. In an instant, we identify the show, its characters and maybe even a particular episode, and we are rejuvenated by the memory.
We travel back to our younger years, recalling the house we used to live in,
the room where the television set was, the chair we sat in to watch, the smells of our house, and those we watched the show with.
A snapshot of popular culture tells a piece of our own personal story.

More after the jump.

Friday, October 21, 2011

good medicine: kid casting

I'm a complete movie and TV geek so I immediately fell for this tumbr. I particularly enjoy when shows/films feature a younger version of a character. It usually prompts "what, oh my god they look nothing alike" (which I secretly get WAY too worked up over and involves mental hair pulling) or "hell yeah, perfect casting" (which involves unnecessary and lame mental high-fives with myself). So if you're a dork like me you'll enjoy this site called Kid Casting.

Friday, April 22, 2011



While I haven't had time to get much done I've somehow carved out enough space in my brain to obsess over a few things. Part of me knows I've got to move on, while another part of me can't let go until I completely wear out my love for this stuff.

  • Broken Social Scene's "Sweetest Kill". The artwork (above) is pretty great too.
  • Trailer Park Boys on Netflix. I'm not sure how we stumbled upon this, but it's been a favorite since. We're even going to their live performance next month. What that will consist of I have no idea. I'm pretty sure I can count on thick Canadian accents, kitty talk, and cocktails in hand.
  • Search of the Day. My new job has me diving into the world wide web deeper than I've gone before. As my new mission carries on I discovered this site by a co-worker. It highlights some of the dumbest things that people search the internet for.
  • This guy's posters on Ebay. Don't buy them. When I win the lottery they will all be mine.
  • Making a wall like this in the bedroom.
  • This picture.
  • 512 Cascabel Cream Stout
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    murals of parks and rec

    When Parks and Recreation first premiered I had really high hopes. Then I watched it and it didn't quite click; I found myself trying harder to chuckle, searching for a punchline, almost mercy laughing. Lo and behold, the next season was way better. Suddenly I felt confident and justified in finding the humor, actually excited to see every episode and secretly thanking Amy Poehler for the "just kidding, I'm still awesome" psych-out. So when they delayed the third season I was disappointed. Forward to now and the clouds have parted and the rays from my comically huge TV are ready to warm my heart and soul. Yes, can you tell I'm excited about the upcoming premiere. Also this guy will be joining the cast full time.

    When I saw that Details did a piece on the hilarious murals that line the walls of the Pawnee Town Hall I was overjoyed. Clearly someone with an inappropriate and odd sense of humor was behind them; based on these alone I never should have doubted the show's promise in spite of its shaky start. It's nice to get a better view of them and learn the story of their origins rather than settle for the occasional glimpse or brief segment in the opening credits.

    Wednesday, December 22, 2010

    funny or die presents

    So I guess that Funny or Die Presents came out on HBO about a year ago. Honestly I have no idea and only just discovered the show using the OnDemand option. It has served my household (household? me + boyfriend + pets) well in times of boredom or extreme brain fatigue. There are actually some pretty funny moments with a who's who of famous comedic actors. But that's not why I'm posting this; I have really gotten a kick out of the show's graphics -- opening credits and transition shots. The music is kinda groovy too. Another season debuts in January, and the late night TV addict in me can't wait.

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    goodbye art linkletter (1912-2010)

    The more wine we get the better the wedding. Nice, kid. Oh, thank you Mr. Linkletter for your way with children and the many, many soundbites that remind us how hilarious they are. You seemed like a nice man, and definitely left an indelible mark on radio and T.V.

    [ image via Jim Blanchard ]

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    michael jordan helped me pay my rent

    Ok, so that might sound misleading. Last night I waited on a Michael Jordan, but it was more of the Michael B. Jordan variety. And when I say he helped pay my rent I mean he left me a tip. Where is the excitement in this? I have been frustrated (more than normal) as of late about my money situation so having a fruitful-ish day is a nice change. I also am more familiar with TV actors than I should be so I was proud of myself for immediately recognizing this fellow (The Wire (a personal favorite), Bones, and several other procedural dramas... and one soap opera). I am assuming he was here in Austin for Friday Night Lights.

    He was a nice guy, sat at the Frogger video game table (which scores points) AND was overgenerous on a meager tab. Thanks guy for helping me keep a roof over my head and putting a couple of stars in my eyes. And also for further verifying what a dork I am. Thankfully I did not let on that I knew who he was and make a fool of myself.

    [ photo credit Retna ]

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    the font police

    It seems that NBC is in some hot water due to their unauthorized use of three different fonts. The Font Bureau, which sounds like a company name a child would make up (important, serious, and oversimplified) but is very real, claims highly visible ad campaigns have used these trademarked types (Bureau Grotesque, Interstate and Antenna) and owe $2 million. That's a pretty big oops.

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    tv thursday

    Thursday has always been one of my favorite days. This feels like a weird statement, as if ANY day can truly be better than the next, especially over a span of decades. I want to say that this love began with a regular childhood ritual that involved The Cosby Show and Mexican food (although I never actually had Mexican food... I got chicken fried steak; this place also sold jewelry and was located in a former funeral home, BUT I digress). Thursday fondness continued over the years and most recently re-established its specialness (due to my mildly superstitious and very nostalgic personality) via a series of dates with a certain fella.

    So now I find myself in the midst of yet another Thursdaissance and it has come full circle to TV land. No, Cliff Huxtable and Co have not come back to NBC. The place that has been home to my beloved The Office and 30 Rock has just gotten better with the arrival of Community. A long time Soup fan I was eager to see what host Joel McHale could deliver as an actor but was a little nervous. Additionally I figured this new show could easily be a lazy addition to a great roster... a show you are supposed to fall in love with because it follows a show you already adore, without any real effort put forth.

    I tell you what... it's pretty great. It doesn't hurt that series supporting actor Chevy Chase is essentially passing the cocky-smirky-funny-yet good intentioned-guy baton (I think Bill Murray would also be proud... I am picturing the ulimate 80's high five); I have a complete weakness that traces back to youth for this character type. But aside from this very Erin-specific draw, the ensemble cast is, so far, promising, the writing spot on, and the continued potential for guest teachers (cameo greats) limitless. I'm no critic, so I can only simply state that it makes me laugh and I can't wait for more. Some choice sound bites (starburns, doucheray vision, my knowledge will bite your face off, and...

    Last... Parks and Recreation thanks too ( guitar shovel, rock fight, ovaries before brovaries, sugar slam); you're part of this magical package of relapse that I do not feel so guilty about.

    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    top doppleganger

    God bless the internet for being better than it was this time last year. Being cable-less I am able to watch Top Chef online almost instantly. I now watch far less TV than I used to (which doesn't mean I have narrowed down my viewing to high quality shows) and have the added pleasure of the hunt, finding my favorites in weird random corners of the world wide web.

    Top Chef has been one of my must watch shows since it began six years ago and this season, chef Bryan Voltaggio has caught my interest. This is not because of his cooking skills, but because I can not for the life of me look at him without thinking of Barry Tubb (oh, come on... BARRY... TUBB... wait, who?) from Top Gun. Why I remember that guy beats the heck out of me, but there IS a resemblance yeah? Yes, and don't tell me otherwise.

    P.S. My vote for is for Kevin.

    Friday, August 21, 2009

    time out

    Another week has passed and the posting has been pretty non-existent. I have been working 6 days a week and have not had a lot of free time. Then some additional stuff and things happened and I kinda feel like the above photograph. So I'm going to take a bit of a breather, soothe my soul with some mindless T.V. (hello True Blood, Project Runway, Flipping Out, and Top Chef... you showed up right when I needed you). Hopefully this absence will make your heart grow fonder and you'll still be here when I get back.

    In honor of T.V. week I strongly urge you to listen to this amazing song by Dinah Washington.

    [ image credit Elle Moss via File Magazine ]

    Thursday, July 30, 2009


    Counting never seemed more fun. If Feist had taught me my numbers I could possibly have grown up to be a happy little accountant (with debatable limited skills). Or just love muppets more than I already do. Either way, 4 is now my favorite number.

    Friday, July 10, 2009

    weekly prescription

    This week you can do some semi-do gooder things... smalls ways to try to give a damn, do a damn, hear something new, learn something new, and throw in an almost eco-friendly project. Be smarter and better-ish.

    Read -- [ Good Magazine ]
    Watch -- [ The Lazy Environmentalist ]
    Listen -- [ KEXP -- PORTLAND ]
    Do -- [ Design Public ]
    Austin Event -- [ Rare Austin ]

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009

    lost tonight

    Oh Lost, you break my head a little more with each passing episode, and as much as I used to pine for you my feelings have changed a bit. All that said I still can't wait for tonight's season finale. No matter how confusing you are you're still a great diversion in a somewhat otherwise dismal T.V. landscape (30 Rock I'm NOT talking about you).

    By the way isn't this poster terrific?! I'm not sure who made it... I can only trace it back to this Tumblr.

    UPDATE: Maybe this person made it?

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    lost ads

    Wow, so tonight's episode of Lost was a doozy. In honor of a show that I'm glad to say still kicks ass here are some mock vintage Dharma ads that I discovered today.

    [ Diskursdisko via Yay Everyday ]

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    sick days: things i learned

    When the medicine kicked in I was coherent (and desperate) enough to watch some T.V, occupying my time with some syndicated friends. The cases are real, the people are real, and the judges make all the difference. If ever slapped with a law suit or in need of settling a dispute I thankfully now have a pretty good idea who to turn to.

    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    top design pt. 2: wizit

    Since I'm on the subject of Top Design I thought I'd take a minute to bid farewell to the moody tsunami that was Wisit.

    Actually I will miss him. He wasn't my favorite designer aesthetically, but he seemed very good-natured and sweet. Your opera will never die... never.

    bedtime stories with bravo

    Last night my neighbor was so kind as to share some Bravo with me. No waiting for the internet to post my favorite shows. One such show is Top Design. There are some obvious reasons for this:

    1) I like design/decorating shows
    2) I have a weakness for reality shows
    3) I have a greater weakness for reality shows that center around challenges

    But there is another reason, which I suppose should be considered more of a bonus than anything. I have this thing for listening to certain people's voices. Yes, that's an odd confession I'm sure, but the awful truth is I can't resist a good bedtime story voice... a velvety golden throat that has the power to tranquilize me into perfect relaxation. There are some that possesses the power of sonic Valium and others that would just give me nightmares.

    *All photos from