Monday, March 16, 2009

to buy

I am a very conflicted person, constantly considering purchases, asking myself "do you REALLY need this and will life be pretty crappy if you don't have it, or will you get by?". What makes things a little easier these days is the lack of funds in which to splurge on fleeting desires. Even still I have to resort to a sorting method in order to justify a few wants (yes, holes in your shoes is a good reason to get a new pair). Maybe this list will help. Maybe it will help you too if you have the same problem. As with the other OCD lists you can download it for free if you want it.

[ download to-buy list ]


jillian-anne said...

yet even with lack of funds i still find myself purchasing the 'not really justifiable' (new camera?) at the expense of the 'this is actually pretty important' (car repair)...

Fern said...

Great list! I eventually started trying to forget everything that would've been put on the left side.. but I'm certain I could dredge some of them up if I happened upon a large sum of extra cash.

Elizabeth said...

I love it. We were just having a discussion about this at work today.

erin said...

jillian-anne... i know, even with no money AND this list it's still sometimes hard. why do there have to be so many cool things in the world to tempt us?

thanks fern and elizabeth!