Monday, March 22, 2010

jason munn + flatstock

This year I vowed to finally make my way into the Flatstock poster show part of SXSW. Somehow in years past I have missed it and I couldn't let that trend continue. With excited eyes opened and a determination to keep my wallet closed I walked into a little bit of paradise. Nearing the end of the line I came upon a wall of posters that made my heart happy and I knew I had arrived at The Small Stakes/aka Jason Munn booth. And manning it was none other than the designer. Being my usual unsmooth tongue-tied self I professed my undying love for his work, sounded like an A-1 jackass, and of course broke the promise to myself to not spend money. How could I walk away empty handed. So I bought the above Why poster and I do not feel one bit guilty.

My new oath was that I only purchase one poster. I stuck to that (mainly dictated by my thinning stash of cash) however really liked what I saw, especially from the following designers:

Lil Tuffy
La-La Land Posters
My Associate Cornelius

1 comment:

John said...

that poster is so so good! wise purchase!