Hello again! Remember me? I'm not even quite sure how much time has passed but it's been a while. I've become pretty good at this M.I.A. thing. Let me explain...
About a month or so ago I got a 2nd job. YES! As many are aware, since I'm so prone to bitching and complaining about money woes, I have been quite underemployed for some time. That's better than unemployment of course, but scraping by, having your utilities routinely turned off, and living off of pizza scraps gets a little old. So I was in luck when I scored an additional job. This means however that I work 7 days a week and at varying hours of the day.
Just as my number 2 job came along I also had an opportunity to move in with my boyfriend. So in my free time I packed, and packed, and packed, and then moved, and... well, you get the idea. I have a lot of stuff which amassed in a house that was bigger than I needed, allowing for even more stuff. The whole process was slow, and is even still a little underway. I have no plans to ever move again, so even if this house is sold down the line I hope the new owners like dachshunds and a girl with a room full of kitschy crap because I'm staying.
Now here I am, I think finally getting a handle on balancing it all, sort of. I stand by the sentiment that there simply isn't enough time in the day. I guess all I can do is try, and in the process squeeze in a little fun and relationship time.
having multiple jobs is so hard. somehow you still don't make enough to live on, you certainly don't have health insurance, you are late more often than is justifiable and you aren't really able to give anything 100% of your attention--so everything is slightly less than your best. it's so demoralizing.
You are right on all counts. I feel a bit like a machine and am not seeing much return on the time I spend working. But it beats being at the bottom of the hole. Hopefully some day I will be out of the hole and fill it with cement, never to return.
working a lot sucks. i am about to run out of unemployment benefits and was going to have to do the same thing. fortunately, i found 2 part time jobs that want me during regular biz hours. also, props for creating something new even when you are super busy!
I understand that the "think positive" approach to this is that we are exceedingly employable--we don't have just one job, but two or three. and I guess the networking options are exponential. and the breadth of our professional knowledge will be wide, even if only an inch deep.
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