Last night I found a great excuse to don a moustache... make that 3 or 4 moustaches. Not at the same time... that would be weird. Beauty Bar hosted the coming out party of the brand new label Artifact Workshop for the CD release of Car Stereo Wars' album, "The Bandit".

The $5 entry fee granted you not only a chance to catch White Denim and Single Frame, but a copy of the album (and a home made moustache). These hand crafted touches are what will define this new label (that and releasing some great music). In this instance each CD cover sported a real mini-moustache affixed to the illustration and inside offered a one-of-a-kind Polaroid featuring Chris (I mean Burt Reynolds) in various places/poses about town dressed in full Bandit gear. Not a gimmick, but an addition to greatness that makes you even happier for what you're holding in your hands.

The night would have been complete if the politeness police were out... "hey that was my foot you just stepped on for the 100th time... and oh, I didn't need that side of my body"... and if it was just a tad cooler outside, but ignoring my apparent high maintenance complaints it was something I was proud to be a part of. Good luck gang. Check out the Artifact Workshop website for yourself and get a copy of the CD. To check out more moustaches go here.