I'm so thrilled about my recent partnership with Austin record label Artifact Workshop and musician Neiliyo. I made the poster and graphics for the "album" (see below). Tomorrow is the CD release party at Club DeVille and it should not disappoint. Between AW's atypical (and creative packaging) and flair for creating an interactive experience, and Neiliyo's non-stop explosion of pastel energy will be a night to remember.

The CD's tracks will be available through a time-sensitive link which is printed on one-of-a-kind slap bracelets (which I have blurred in the above photos). SLAP BRACELETS! I never dreamed that anything I made would appear on such a tacky (in a good way) relic of youth, but I am elated. Seriously. The theme for the evening is "Game Night", which ties into the album, and a variety of games will be happening throughout the evening. Hopscotch, telephone, musical chairs, spin the bottle are the featured attractions, but I believe board games will be available as well. For more details check out Artifact Workshop's site or the Facebook Event page. Last but not least, to get you in the mood AE is also offering a free download of one of the songs, Hopscotch. Check it out here.
Hope to see a big turn out. If you want to say hi I will probably be the jackass trying to remember how to play hopscotch and failing miserably.
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