This is sort of oldish news and has made the blog rounds already but I love Kate Bingaman-Burt and her work so will go forth with this dusty (in internet years) announcement. I have written about her before but odds are most folks are already no stranger to her Obsessive Consumption work.
For those in the dark Bingaman-Burt has set aside time in each day (over the last FIVE years) to illustrate something she has purchased. This can be anything from a magazine to a haircut to a plane ticket. Up to now her drawings have been made into a regular zine but this month her hard work has paid off in the form of a published book. Yay her! And somehow she also finds the time to teach at Portland University as well as provide her talents to clients like ReadyMade Magazine, Newsweek, Microsoft, Handmade Nation, Photojojo, Poketo, Uppercase Magazine, Pinball Publishing (to name a few). She's kinda my hero.
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[ Obsessive Consumption ]
[ Kate Bingaman-Burt ]
[ Buy the Book ]
This is designer Frank Chimero's version of the book cover.

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