Wednesday, December 2, 2009
round trip
Another holiday down. My Thanksgiving was pretty darn great. There were no drive-ins this year unfortunately but spending time with my family brought a different sort of joy. Things I learned or was reminded of:
·Being called "that girl" works when it's out of the mouth of a 3 year old
·There is no such thing as too much sugar
·Memories never fade even when structures disappear
·My parents effortlessly and naturally make me feel that being me is just fine, and in fact sometimes great, simply by being themselves
·True story, chili petines are indeed hot and are like chewing a small piece of fire
·Taking photos is one of five things on the planet that make my tummy flip in a good way
·Readers Digest can spur interesting conversations
·Dog Fancy is strangely in circulation at my folk's house
·I come from a family of deaf people
There are probably some other things but this is the bulk of it. Definitely moments that I will savor.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
print society
I took my sweet time putting up a post about this site, but I have it on a list therefore am obligated to follow through. Print Society is pretty awesome. It is essentially an open marketplace for artists and fans of art, offering a means to further advertise printed works. All that is required is creating a profile, which is free, and adding photos and links to either your own pieces (sold on Etsy or other sites) or the artist's. Prints can be favorited, tagged and a select few are featured as editor's picks. How can a site that promotes selling art with no strings attached be a bad thing.
Poking fun at people is sometimes cruel, but it also an unavoidable fact of life (and is ok when done the right way). Human beings try a multitude of things and inevitably fail on occasion. And sometimes we all take ourselves so seriously that a bit of humor is in order to realign our egos and serve as a reminder that one of the most important marks of being a good person is the ability to laugh at yourself.
Regretsy is a website that pulls some of the best of the worst from Etsy. In their own words... "Handmade? It looks like you made it with your feet." And that should be a clear indicator of their agenda. I would be horrified to be on this site, I'll admit it. And I do worry for those particular folks that somehow sunk their heart and soul into a project. But come on, an Ellen Degeneres cat fanny pack (as seen above); this is begging to be featured. On the bright side, maybe they made a sell.
LISTEN TO THIS: "Cruel to be kind" -- Nick Lowe
Monday, November 30, 2009
new in the shop!
I have a few new prints in the shop from the "Need to Want Less" and "One Minute Photoshop" series and have also made a change to previously included prints -- each is 10x10 vs. 8x8 in order to offer a more generous border for various framing/matting options.
I'm also scrambling to get a few other projects finished up to include in time for holiday shoppers, you know, just in case someone wants to give the gift of Recovery.
Thanks for taking a look and as always if there is something from my website/flickr that you would like and it's not available just let me know and I can most likely get it for you.
ready to ride
I was graciously gifted a bicycle for my birthday... in JULY. Thanks to my ever-generous father it is now at home with me. I'm so excited! I want to ride my bicycle.
[ Image credit ??? ]
Thursday, November 26, 2009
need to want less: gluttony
This is what happens when you make something VERY quickly. No matter...
The holidays are well underway and whatever your stance, whether considering the origins, the corporate sponsorships, the overeating, or sporting events, there is some little good nugget to take from each one of them. Personally I know that I have shown a few chinks in my armor as of late, but in a continuing effort to ditch the wah brigade I am happier to think about the best parts of Thanksgiving. So much could be better, but SO much could be worse and I am thankful for everyone of those people, places, and things that make life worthwhile. I sincerely hope that each and every one of you has a great day today and are able to spend it with friends and/or family.
Happy Thanksgiving! Be back soon! And as always, thanks for stopping by!
Almost forgot... listen to this as you're gnawing on that turkey leg or scarfing some pie.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
the a frame
Note to self: this has been done, and done, and done. Do not do. The categorizing fiend in me loves this collection though. And I like confirmation that the leg shot is all too familiar.
For a view of Print Mag's evidence see the full Flickr set below.
[ Print Mag via The Daily What ]
Maurizio Anzeri
Most certainly bizarre but at the same engaging, Maurizio Anzeri combines mediums that individually conjure up memories of my youth. I however never imaged family photos would go with weird 70's string art.
[ via Horses Think ]
1 minute photoshop: incurable
Still quite a useful product, even if your mind has reverted back to its 16 year old self. Quick thought... maybe I should create a new slogan for Adobe's PS CS4: "Photoshop, the tool for a tool". Kind of catchy, in a self-deprecating way.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
what next? try the book seer
Ever finished a book and found yourself asking "what now?", jonesing for either an equally gratifying follow-up or a read to get the bad taste out of your brain? The Book Seer is the ticket. With a couple of quick entrees -- last (enjoyable) book and author's name -- the site sifts through a few other literary-based web offerings for some suggestions.
I tried Choke simply because it was the first thing to pop into my head. Amazon's picks were pretty pointless... more Chuck Palahniuk books, really? LibraryThing was a bit more diverse however. You can probably figure all of this out by simply cutting to the chase and starting at Amazon or LT, but getting caught up in the gimmick is definitely more fun.
[ via Internet Therapy ]
words become images
Another cool project... Words Become Images is based on a simple concept. You supply the words, he supplies the images based on those words. Done.
[ via ]
double dog dare you
Now THAT'S a rat tail. If anyone that is reading this ever gets their hair "styled" like this please send me a photo and I promise I will send you something good.
[ Blame it on the Voices via The Daily What ]
Samsies is an interesting project curated by Alex Carman, Dave Geeting, Sophie Curtis. The selection process seems possibly painstaking but the results are nevertheless a curious study on very similar images taken by complete strangers. I know I have seen many a photo that reminded me of something else, and I have probably unconsciously or accidentally taken a picture that very much mimicked or duplicated a scene snapped by someone else. Whether these are examples of "the sincerest form of flattery" or variations on popular themes I like what they're doing here.
Monday, November 16, 2009
mod & witty
I would formally like to add this to the list of stuff and things I don't need but would love very much to have... if only to find out what the rest says.
[ High Steel Heels via fletter's Tumblr ]
1 minute photoshop: misfortune
In a continued, seemly uncontrollable, exercise to exorcise and fully disclose the current emotional/financial demons that live in my brain I give you another 1 Minute Photoshop. I can't quite catch a break and am hell bent on sabotaging glimmers of progress as I try to fix the broken things too quickly. And that my friends is my uncomfortably public confession to the world. I feel better and more icky at the same time. Now on to less revealing subjects...
clowns + new year's = duh, naturally!
Awful Library Books continues to impress. I wholeheartedly believe there are more bad books than good in the universe, AND that it might not be our loss.
I am also sensing a repost come New Year's Day.
jen gotch
Jen Gotch is one of my favorite Polaroid photographers. I was so delighted to read today that she has opened up her shop. I'm sure she will sell out in no time. You can check out what's available here and keep tabs on her latest work via her blog.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
1 minute photoshop: refresh
Stevie Wonder [ We Can Work it Out MP3 ]
ABBA [ Take a Chance on Me ]
Roy Orbison [ That Loving You Feeling Again ]
U2 [ All I Want Is You ]
isn't is fantastic
Chris Buck's Isn't series casts look-a-likes in uncharacteristic yet "relevant" situations. Pretty funny and brilliant if you ask me.
[ via How Design ]
wurstfest was the bestfest
And that's not the first time that's been said before...
Wurstfest is an annual festival that celebrates fried food, alcohol, face painting, and carnival rides German style. Last week my friends and I went for the x'th time, depending on who you're talking to (my 4th or 5th). I tried some new-to-me vegetables, cloaked in a battered disguise and almost regretted it all the next day. Overall it was definitely worth it.
This photo is of my friend Seana; without her I would be an emotionally disfigured nonsensical person. If you want to see more photos of our brief adventures check out my Flickr.
Wurstfest is an annual festival that celebrates fried food, alcohol, face painting, and carnival rides German style. Last week my friends and I went for the x'th time, depending on who you're talking to (my 4th or 5th). I tried some new-to-me vegetables, cloaked in a battered disguise and almost regretted it all the next day. Overall it was definitely worth it.
This photo is of my friend Seana; without her I would be an emotionally disfigured nonsensical person. If you want to see more photos of our brief adventures check out my Flickr.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
need to want less: update
Book of Love [ I Touch Roses MP3 ]
Reading Rainbow Theme Song [ YouTube ]
Jim Halpert as Facebook/Bookface [ Tumblr ]
Rent a Book [ Book Swim ]
Faces [ Wicked Messenger MP3 ]
relapse risk,
the hills are alive with,
www dot,
yummy links
wiener time
Monday, November 9, 2009
loving home
I saw this book cover over on Milk Tooth's Rain the other day and was instantly smitten. Yay for big words and straightforward (near childish) illustrations. Bonus, it may actually provide useful information INSIDE. I know... weird, a book that includes informative contents. This book also conveniently provides a fluid segue to my current favorite song.
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros' Home. If you're not smiling after a listen then you are clearly a robot. Actually, make that a broken robot because this song even manages to break through the metal skin of my most androidy days.
reading rainbow,
the hills are alive with
i'm alive
... and that's the good news! The bad news... well let's not get bogged down with any details. I'll just say I'm still working on redirecting my course. I have missed my blog and have officially reached my threshold for number of times I can watch Xanadu without throwing up glitter, so here I am mid life mending.
And if ELO ain't your thing (which for shame, if not!) here's another equally appropriate anthem for you to listen to. I'm so glad I'm not a clock (I might be able to work with being an ice cream cone though).
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
I have a list of things I would like to post here but can't seem to find the motivation as I am currently living in slumpville. This is where many pity parties take place at a table for one. So I'm going to take a bit of a breather from the blog and see what I can do about mending some broke(n) things. Be back soon-ish. Please stay tuned.
[ image via The Post Family ]
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
when greatness collides
Do you like felt? Do you like fonts? Do you have Photoshop? Here is a little piece of heaven. Download for free here.
[ Font Soup via How Magazine ]
we shall become one
I can't tell you how much I want this book. The Onion is great. Lists are CLEARLY great. Categorizing things makes me tingle. Pop Culture, yes please. John Hodgman is aces. AND "24 Stupid Inventions For Lazy Americans".
Naturally I feel like was made for me. I know this is premature, but I'm going to go ahead and make a not-too-subtle Christmas list wish. This is me willing it to be so. Available here.
good buy. great find,
reading rainbow
aiming high and higher
Now here is a list I could really use. Not an everyday sort of list but one that could certainly get me focused for some long term life changes. Right now this gal can fill up both sides easily... getting it all done will be the harder part. As always you can download your own copy (black and white version) from my website.
[ download dreams and goals list ]
the past and evolving
Andrew Musson is a long time Flickr pal. He is always quick with a nice comment and supportive of my images. Having someone in your corner like that is a great motivator. He also is a photographer and he has a great eye. I have especially enjoyed watching his style evolve and his pictures seem to get better and better. Above is one of his latest which I really love. Someday soon I need to get acquainted with my medium format camera (the clarity and format can't be beat); I am officially inspired.
Walk the Dinosaur [ ]
Eating the Dinosaur [ Entertainment Weekly ]
Dinosaurs - sitcom [ YouTube ]
Jesus Riding a Dinosaur [ The Searcher's Flickr photostream ]
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
listen to margaret
Uppercase Journal currently has a project calling for folks to choose a favorite book and design a poster for the movie version. This I will admit is definitely not my favorite book, however it does hold a special place in my heart. It doesn't hurt/help that I am a nostalgia junky. Anyway, this poster is my silly submission. I really enjoy the projects that UJ conducts even if nothing comes of it. The deadline is November 20th if you would like to send in something of your own.
muppet face off
In my world most roads often lead back to Muppets, or can if I search the internet long enough. While writing that last post I couldn't help but hazily remember a Muppet sketch (either Sesame St. or The Muppet Show) where a puppet's eyebrows came off. In attempting to jog my memory I unleashed more than I could have imagined. I am not sure if I have found the actual clip that I was initially thinking of, but all of these finds more than compensates. There is also a whole Wiki site about this!
Also check out the Vendaface and for something TOTALLY different, Xiu Xiu's "Muppet Face".
Also check out the Vendaface and for something TOTALLY different, Xiu Xiu's "Muppet Face".
i didn't recognize you without your brows
I am not as obsessed as I used to be but I have to confess that a good pair of eyebrows still does it for me. I am not a snob and will not shun you if you are poorly groomed, overgroomed or merely have unremarkable brows. A good pair will entrance me though. Am I freaking you out yet?
What Consumes Me recently posted an interesting link to a site that asked participants to identify fifty famous people in three different varieties -- as normal, without eyes, and without eyebrows. Interestingly people had a harder time recognizing the eyebrowless. Not sure I ever would have jumped to that conclusion but looking at some of the photos I can see how it could be tougher.
michael jordan helped me pay my rent
Ok, so that might sound misleading. Last night I waited on a Michael Jordan, but it was more of the Michael B. Jordan variety. And when I say he helped pay my rent I mean he left me a tip. Where is the excitement in this? I have been frustrated (more than normal) as of late about my money situation so having a fruitful-ish day is a nice change. I also am more familiar with TV actors than I should be so I was proud of myself for immediately recognizing this fellow (The Wire (a personal favorite), Bones, and several other procedural dramas... and one soap opera). I am assuming he was here in Austin for Friday Night Lights.
He was a nice guy, sat at the Frogger video game table (which scores points) AND was overgenerous on a meager tab. Thanks guy for helping me keep a roof over my head and putting a couple of stars in my eyes. And also for further verifying what a dork I am. Thankfully I did not let on that I knew who he was and make a fool of myself.
[ photo credit Retna ]
Friday, October 16, 2009
charade credits
There is no way that the film opening of Charade has escaped the attention of other design loving junkies; however it was only after a recent late night Hulu binge that I discovered the colorful and hypnotic splash of graphic goodness.
welcome back!
When my friend told me the news the other day that Polaroid was coming back I was filled with glee and surprise. On the one hand it shouldn't be that shocking that someone finally wised up and realized there is still demand for the product, but on the other hand it is also a bit amazing that someone is actually doing something about it. It looks like the petitions and all the press the film's demise received helped turn things around.
Now I am not sure what this means for the Impossible Project. According to their site they are moving forward with their own brand. The more film the merrier I say, hopefully returning at reasonable pricing. And now maybe certain websites/retailers can quit with the gouging ($180 for a camera!).
weekly prescription
Welcome to this week's mixed bag of fun and doing! Check out the zesty and clever typographic flairs added to the plate over at River Restaurant; when Where the Wild Things Are and A Serious Man are sold out seek out the acclaimed documentary Afghan Star; consider YACHT's mission statement but don't forget to tap your toe in the process; #657 out of 1,000 gives you a chance to revisit the unpopulated McDonaldland (is Grimace homeless now?); and hope that Broken Lizard is as funny in person as they were in Super Troopers.
Read -- [ River Restaurant and/or this ]
Watch -- [ ]
Listen -- [ The Hype Machine ]
Do -- [ 1000 Awesome Things ]
Austin Event -- [ Paramount Theatre Box Office ]
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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